How to run SQL in Jupyter Notebooks

 · 1 min read

In this tutorial we will se how to enter SQL commands in Jupyter Notebooks by using Magic commands.

Magic commands

In order to be able to run SQL commands in a Jupyter notebook cell, we need to use what are known as Magic Commands.

There are two types of magic commands:

  • Line magic: applies to a particular line (starts with %)
  • Cell magic: applies to the entire cell (starts with %%)

To run a SQL command by using Magic commands, we have to enter %sql or %%sql, for example:

#applies to only that line
%sql select * from table;
#applies to the entire cell

select *
from table

How can we start to use SQL with magic commands?

We need to install ipythonSQL extension with the next command

!pip install ipython-sql

Then, we have to load this extension with the next command

%load_ext sql

Now it is time to connect to the database you are going to use. For example, to connect to IBM Database the next structure is followed

%sql ibm_db_sa://my-username:my-password@hostname:port/BLUDB?security=SSL

After connecting to the database, you are free to use SQL commands in your Jupyter Notebook!